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OKINAWA SHORIN-RYU SHOBU KAN KARATE &  KOBUDO ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. World Head Quarters is situated in Okinawa in Japan. Shorin ryu Shobukan Grand Master Hanshi Giyu Gibo and Indian Head Quarters is situated in Virugambakkam, Chennai. Indian Representative Dr.Hanshi.S.Rethinam PhD in Karate.


Hanshi Giyu Gibo


Hanshi Giyu Gibo born in 1938 into a martial arts family of Urasoe City, Okinawa. He started karate training in 1957. Through his martial arts career Master Gibo have received karate lessons from many of the karate masters in okinawan history Grand Master Nagamine and Nakahara.In 2005 he is offered to 9th dan by Grand Master Shugoro Nakazato, President of Okinawa karate do Shorin ryu Shorinkan Association. Master Giyu Gibo served in the position as Chief Advisor for the Federation Okinawa karate Shorin ryu Shorinkan South Asia. Currently Hanshi Gibo is the head of the Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Shobu-Kan Association.

10th Dan Red Belt – Karate

10th Dan Red Belt – Kobudo


Hanshi S Rethinam


Dr.Hanshi.S.Rethinam PhD in Karate, hailing from Thiruvadanai of Ramanad District has had a close Association with Martial Arts even at his younger ages when his father Mr.Swakky being a very great Silambu Asan in the place. Probably this would have initiated a deep favour in him to come more closer to wings of Martial Arts Like Kalari to start with Taekwondo under Master Faustin Nigli and then later on to Karate. Before Learning Taekwando, he had started learning Kalari and varmani under Kesavan who hails from chavakad near guruvayur in Kerala. Days roll by ,Hanshi has acquired so many credentials in Karate. To mention a few of those merits’ say of his acquiring of the award of excellence in karate in the year 1995 at las vegas, USA and his selection of an International Referee for three time in the Traditional Karate & Kobudo Tournament at Okinawa in the year 1999 and conferring of Doctorate award on him by Argentina university in 1995. He got the title of World Seiner Referee in the WKC International Tournament held in Australia (2013).

9th Dan Red – Karate

9th Dan Red Belt – Kobudo

Vice President in WKC


Kyoshi Samson Rethinam


Kyoshi.Samson Rethinam started his practice in the year of 1980 when he is four(age) under his father Hanshi.S.Rethinam. He has won in many National/International Tournaments and he is an International Referee in WKC which he attended in Delhi 2004. He is also a License holder in WKC 2004. He got First Place in International tournament at Sri Lankan in 2010. He has participated in 2nd Okinawa world tournaments ( Selected in 2nd round 40 - 60age KATA ) in 2022 Okinawa japan. He has a training Dojo in K.K.Nagar, Avadi, Chinna mangadu, Iyyappanthangal under his Control.

7thDan Red & White Belt – Karate.

7thDan Red & White Belt – Kobudo 


Sensei KP Shriram


Sensei.K.P.Shriram started his Karate practice in the year of 2000. He had trained under the guidance of Kyoushi.Samson Rethinam and got Special couching from Hanshi Giyu Gibo in the year of 2007 and also practiced Kobudo under Hanshi.S.Rethinam. He's having his own class in Avadi. He participated many National Tournament and got best fighter Award in Mumbai, Chennai Tournament and National WKC Referee in the year of 2010. Also attended the empty hand and kobudo of special training camp with Hanshi Giyu Gibo in 2019. He is an AIKKPF senior Refree.

4thDan Black Belt – Karate.

4thDan Black Belt – Kobudo.

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Our AIKKPF Team Rocked  In WKC Asian Cup on 23rd & 24th of December 2023 at Taaraz kaszakasthan with the  leadership of our president & WKC vice President Hanshi Dr.S.Rethinam and our students got gold and silver medals.




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